Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Inauguration Gives Way To Star-Studded Parties « CBS Chicago

Thank You, LORD, We Were There!!!

Inauguration Gives Way To Star-Studded Parties « CBS Chicago
Oh what joy and fun we had in DC!!!  Feel free to witness a couple of moments that happened during the Inauguration of President Barack H. Obama. It was held on Monday, January 21, 2013 beginning at 11:30am.  At .57/2.57, you can see my WY '85 classmate Denise Young shedding a tear. [Niecy, your cool points are still in tact! LOL!]  At 1.07/2.57, they allowed me an opportunity to share a word or two.  History at its best!!!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

HRE 472...This Blog Assignment is Just for You!

I enrolled in HRE 472 to challenge myself by stepping outside of my comfort zone and expanding my scope of thinking especially in the area of e-learning. No matter how many weeks went by, I still held on for dear life to my love for traditional face-to-face learning. I selected the videos and cartoons for this blog entry because they express some of the serious and sillier sides of my thought process as I traveled this journey through e-Learning and Gaming.

On the sillier side: the cartoons highlight some of my views prior to electing and completing HRE 472.

On the serious side: Video one: E-Learning Debate 2010 at Oxford

The debate was: “Informal learning via technology is more style over substance than formal/traditional learning.” Prior to this class, I may have agreed. However, now, I agree with one of the gentlemen who stated that “there is no informal or formal in technology and learning; they should coexist. Nevertheless, today, if I had to vote, I would have exited out of the “Noes” door. Today, I believe that “so called” informal learning via technology is loaded with both substance and style. I believe it has a major role to play in education and in training.

This video inspired me to prepare a brief chronicle that will provide my insights/thoughts about e-Learning on the first day I arrived in the HRE 472 class [then] to today after experiencing the class [now].

E-Learning Then & Now…the journey of spring 2012

Week One: Clark & Mayer asked “Is e-Learning Better?”

Then – NO, Never!
Now – Depending on the course, content, level of engagement and multimedia tools, e-Learning runs a close second. Honestly, in some courses it can be better than face-to-face. For example, since I am both a kinesthetic and visual learner, a geography course might be more interesting to me via an e-learning/gaming module. There are a number of educational gaming tools that may be more helpful keeping countries and important global information in my brain.

Week Two: Reiser provided history.

Then – Wow, we have come a long way since 1985.
Now – I believe I will upgrade my 2005 Palm to an iPhone

Week Three: Hemmi, Bayne & Land shared insight on Web 2.0

Then – Is any of it safe?
Now – Blogs, E-mails, Facebook, Wikis and more are excellent tools for educational learning and everyday living

Week Four: Clark & Mayer ask “What Are Worked Examples?”

Then – I need more Worked Examples to understand Connectivism vs. Transactional Distance Theory.
Now – Heather’s step by step details in the development of our group project, Hae Won and Shelby’s audio/video demonstration are two of my favorite parts of our Final Project. I believe these worked examples will be extremely beneficial to the learner.

Week Five: Mayer & Moreno and the world of Multimedia & Horton’s information on Activities

Then – So many options. How do I choose? What is a “Do-Type Activity?”
Now – By knowing many of the learners, this can assist me in selecting proper media tools from the array of activity options. Personally, I really enjoy videos and quizzes.

Week Six: Immersive Learning by Harris opened my eyes this week

Then – This is too overwhelming. Now, I have to watch my thoughts, too? The virtual world seems creepier than the physical world.
Now – The opportunity to bring my imagination to life is more refreshing than creepy.

Week Seven: Mayer & Moreno focused on “…Reducing Cognitive Load…”

• Then – Finally, someone is speaking my language. My mind feels overloaded and overwhelmed.
• Now – When designing learning modules, I need to keep it clear and educational. Remember, not to overdue the graphics, movies, pictures, texts, etc.

Week Eight: Clark & Mayer deal with “Personalization Principles”

Then – If I have to take an online course, I would like to have a “Visible Author.” I agree with the psychological reason provided by the authors. Personally, it would help me with accountability.
Now – When preparing our script for the demonstration portions of our project, this information was extremely useful.

Week Nine: Gilmore’s Cloud Article grabbed my attention

Then – The Cloud, Cloud Learning, iCloud…I need to get out of the clouds and back to earth.
Now – Wow! Google.doc, Cloud and more are amazing. Many people can edit the same document at the same time in different locations around the world. This almost feels like a classroom.

Week Ten: Spring Break

Then – Where is my blog? How long ago did I make it? What did I call it?
Now – That was a wonderful break and I found my original blog!

Week Eleven: Looi, Seow, Zhang, So, Chen and Wong discuss “…Mobile Technology for Sustainable Seamless Learning…”

Then – My cell phone is for conversation, Google, GPS, MapQuest, playing solitaire and texting.
Now – My cell phone is for conversation, Google, GPS, MapQuest, playing solitaire and texting. I have not quite evolved in this area, yet.

Week Twelve: Smith-Robbins shared ways to improve “Gamification.”

Then – I believe Prof. Huang used this word [Gamification] when he gave his presentation to our EPS 500 class last fall.
Now – Gaining the balance between learning and gaming is not always easy. Finding the proper balance, design, educational material and more is an ongoing process. Just as the students change, e-learning modules and gaming can change from semester to semester.

Week Thirteen: Babson Case Study

Then – Fast Track vs. Traditional…depending on my location, fast track may be less expensive. It would be a challenge; their learning module for Fast Track appears to tap into all of the learning styles. Using all learning styles will assist me in learning quicker and retaining material for longer periods of time.
Now – I could complete the Babson Fast Track Program, but I do not prefer it.

Week Fourteen: Collaborative Learning

Then – I hope I am in an encouraging and productive group.
Now – I have enjoyed every moment of working with Group 2.

Week Fifteen: Final Presentation

Then – Design and develop an e-Learning training module? Huh?
Now – Wow! I actually assisted in designing and developing an e-Learning training module!!! I look forward to designing more training modules for staff and students.

Finals Week: After forty-four years of learning and living, I admit that the traditional and face-to-face learning in the physical classroom is still my preferred method of learning. However, after experiencing the teaching of Prof. Huang and the texts of Clark & Mayer and Horton, I believe and accept that there is a place in my educational journey for e-learning in the virtual online classroom. As a matter of fact, I am so inspired; I am officially enrolled in a synchronous online course for summer 2012 Term 1.

The remaining three videos are:
• Video two – Advantages of E-Learning –

• Video three – Rise of the Videogame – Educational Gaming [Peacekeeping Game in the military to assist with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder {PTSD}]

• Video four – E-learning Cheer {back to the silly side}

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Who Knew? A Word or Two about Why I'm Blogging Today...

Greetings Family and Friends!

Well, as you can see by today's date, I have not blogged since I created this page in December 2009. LOL!

The motivation for me jotting a note today is that I have a class called HRE 472 taught by Prof. David Huang at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Well, one of his assignments is that we create a blog and post an assignment relating to our class about E-Learning, Gaming and Education. Who knew?

So, I was told that I could use the blog I created. Well after searching for approximately two hours "over the river and through the woods," I found my blog. LOL!

Wow! I didn't realize it was sooooo long ago. Nevertheless, it's great to find it. In light of this assignment, you all can expect to see at least one more post before May 1st because the assignment is due soon. LOL!

Here's an update. I am overjoyed to report that ONE of the items on my checklist has finally been met. I am officially in school and I am two hours away from earning my Master's degree [June 2012].

Since I desire to officially complete the degree before I march in graduation ceremonies, I am planning to participate in the 2013 graduation ceremonies. So, a big party is on the way! Heck, after twenty-three years, it may be multiple parties!

Meanwhile, I am continuing the journey on to my PhD.

In light of taking the year before I march in graduation, I've decided that 2013 will be a year of celebration! I am going to continue to diligently work at completing my next degree and I plan to get the first children's book illustrated and published.

Why - you may ask?
Well, I received the pleasure of watching one of my sister's in Christ, Dr. Phoebe E. Lenear complete her first CD project and it has truly inspired me! You can learn more and get a copy of her CD at either:

So, whether I blog about it or not on a regular basis, please know that this is the next venture that I am seeking to check off the list. I'll make a good faith effort to make sure that...You Know!

Have a fabulous day! *smile*

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Blogging, Pam, for real? Complete the top ten.

What is a blog? Is it sharing my ideas, insights, thoughts on the web...journaling?

As private as I've tried to be in my forty-two years of life, why have I chosen to begin this experience? With this thought in mind, heck, why do I have a facebook page?

How many times will I return to this website?

How much will I share?

Who will read this "stuff?"

Currently, only the Lord knows because right now all I have are the questions.

Ultimately, I might use this experience as a way of accountability. If by chance, someone decides to comment on something I ask or share, maybe...just maybe, I might reach/complete one more goal that I put off accomplishing over the last few years.

So, here are my top ten desires for today [not necessarily goals because I know they can change at any moment :-)] to complete before January 1, 2011 [or earlier in some cases...noted].

1. Complete my personal statement for 2 graduate school applications for entry into school for either summer/fall 2010
2. Officially, copyright the first children's book as written
3. Order and purchase a new birth certificate
4. Purchase my passport
5. Begin/complete illustrations for the publishing of the first children's book
6. Confirm right to publishing name
7. Purchase the ISBN
8. Lose at least 50 of the remaining 105 pounds I desire to lose
9. Go on at least one date this year with a single/straight [preferably Christian] man I like [ok...this one is out of my control...but hey, I'm working on transperancy, too].
10. Get a consistent Quiet least weekly for 2010 year [52 weeks]

If I'm receiving the desires of my heart and/or making progress on the journey, I'm gonna be glad to share. If I continue to suck at it, the next time someone may see a new comment from me may be December 2010.

Let's pray, cross our fingers and light a candle...let's see what I choose to do this upcoming year. *smile*